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Person sitting at a desk with a computer and a piggy bank next to them

TASS for Finance

Intelligent accounting software to meet the complex needs of busy schools.

Built for Business Managers


Payroll & HR
Employee HR 
School Finance
Accounts Payable
Commercial Debtors
Fixed Assets
General Ledger
Parent Accounts
School Shop
Finance Module

Empower your School with TASS

Accounts Payable

Commercial Debtors


Fixed Assets

General Ledger

Parent Accounts



School Shop

School finance made easy

Specifically designed to cater for school environments, TASS combines an end-to-end finance system with an innovative school management platform - allowing finance teams to leverage real-time school data and connect financial operations to workflows throughout your community. 

Manage your payroll

The TASS Payroll and HR system connects the business office to employees. 

Simplify your pay runs and replace routine time-consuming tasks with automated workflows that increase the productivity of your payroll teams, and self-service tools that give staff the freedom to manage their employment details.

Seamless fee collection

Streamline your fee collection process by providing parents with an online ‘set and forget’ billing platform, allowing them to configure their payment options and schedules.  

Your school can gain insight into future payments through automated payment schedules, improving the accuracy of financial reporting and forecasting.

finance made easy

See the bigger picture

Using the TASS General Ledger, get a complete picture of your school's business and financial performance.

With flexible reporting options, easily understand how your school is growing and changing, helping you drive profitability and build a foundation to plan future projects. 

Improve the staff expenditure process

Take control of your school’s expenditure, improve internal procedures, and provide staff real-time visibility over budget information with the TASS Budgets and Requisitions system.  

Encourage informed spending habits and save staff time by giving them the autonomy to view budgets, and submit and approve requisitions online. 


bigger picture



School finance made easy

Specifically designed to cater for school environments, TASS combines an end-to-end finance system with an innovative school management platform - allowing finance teams to leverage real-time school data and connect financial operations to workflows throughout your community.

Manage your payroll

The TASS Payroll and HR system connects the business office to employees. 

Simplify your pay runs and replace routine time-consuming tasks with automated workflows that increase the productivity of your payroll teams, and self-service tools that give staff the freedom to manage their employment details. 





fee collection


Seamless fee collection

Streamline your fee collection process by providing parents with an online ‘set and forget’ billing platform, allowing them to configure their payment options and schedules.  

Your school can gain insight into future payments through automated payment schedules, improving the accuracy of financial reporting and forecasting.

See the bigger picture

Using the TASS General Ledger, get a complete picture of your school's business and financial performance.

With flexible reporting options, easily understand how your school is growing and changing, helping you drive profitability and build a foundation to plan future projects. 


bigger picture


expenditure process


Improve the staff expenditure process

Take control of your school’s expenditure, improve internal procedures, and provide staff real-time visibility over budget information with the TASS Budgets and Requisitions system.  

Encourage informed spending habits and save staff time by giving them the autonomy to view budgets, and submit and approve requisitions online. 


Is Your School Management System Getting in the way?

Do you battle with clunky systems that waste your time, and data silos creating frustration and inefficiency?
These kinds of daily challenges hinder your ability to focus on what matters most.

Upgrade to an all-in-one system designed to work with you to streamline processes, connect your school community, and give you and your staff the freedom to focus on providing the best educational outcomes for students.

Ready to transform your school?