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TASS for Students

Providing students with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

TASS for Students

Providing students with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world

Empower your Students

Student Portal

School Life
Academic Reporting
Class Homepage
Class Resources
Discussion Forum & Blogs
Events & Payments
Extra Curricular Sign-up
Final Results
Homework & Assessment Notifications
School Calendar & Notices School Links
Text Books on Loan Timetable
Student Life
Academic Analytics
Equipment on Loan
Extra Curricular Sign-up
Final Results
Homework & Assessment
School Calendar & Notices
School Links Text Books on Loan
Empower your Students

Student Portal

Academic Analytics

Academic Reports


Class Homepages

Class Resources

Discussion Forum & Blogs


Equipment on Loan

Extra Curricular Sign-up

Homework & Assessment


School Calendar & Notices

School Links

Text Books on Loan


Tours & Excursions

Student Portal_busy school life


A busy school life extends way beyond the classroom

Students live busy lives. Between extra curricular activities, homework, tutoring, and classes, students can all too often become overwhelmed and overloaded. The Student Portal helps them take accountability and develop time management skills by providing a dynamic online diary for them to manage their time, deadlines and commitments in one central place. 

Software that grows with your students

A continuously expanding academic, attendance and extra curricular profile creates a meaningful story of your students’ school journey.  

As students develop new skills and progress through their schooling years, new functionality can be gradually rolled out and year level specific links and resources can be distributed. 

Student Portal_siftware that grows


Student Portal_Assignment


Easy assignment management

Easy access to assessment information and learning resources give students the tools they need to succeed and helps put them on the path to become independent learners.

Make assessments seamless for your students, with simple workflows, digital submission facilities and access to results, comments and feedback. 

Is Your School Management System Getting in the way?

Do you battle with clunky systems that waste your time, and data silos creating frustration and inefficiency?
These kinds of daily challenges hinder your ability to focus on what matters most.

Upgrade to an all-in-one system designed to work with you to streamline processes, connect your school community, and give you and your staff the freedom to focus on providing the best educational outcomes for students.

Ready to transform your school?